I like to think that making resolutions for the new year is just what I need to start my year off right… but I have found that if I am not totally committed to the action my resolutions become half hearted. I read this quote from James Clear author of Atomic Habits “ You can usually accomplish more by giving something your full attention/effort for a few years rather than giving it a lukewarm effort for 50 years. Pick a priority for this season of your life and do it to the best of your ability” This has really gotten me to think about what have I been doing for the past 50+ years and how long has it taken me to get where I am going? Could I have found a simpler way by devoting my complete attention to it? I have taken pride in being able to multi task well but what have I given up by doing so many things at once. Well, this year. I am doing to devote myself to one thing I keep procrastinating about and see how long it takes me accomplish my goal. I would love to hear about your adventures for the year and how you are going to accomplish them.
Just Show UP
So…. I am committing right here in front of you all…” To just show up” and do my art practice DAILY… I am not picking how long, or how much , just “ I will do this daily” Todays picture started with a picture in a magazine… sometimes your imagination is on hold, so I am taking what i can from observation. I loved this picture and tried to add some of my creative touches from it… or maybe it is calling me to get busy and pick my own apple trees before they are on the ground. I had a great day yesterday with my Granddaughter Maeve in the apple trees, I saved all the apples on the low branches for her, she’s only 3 but got the “ twist and pull” method down.
Whatever your creative spirit inside of you says. Write it, make it, create it, garden it… Just do it … now I will have to post more just to show you that I am making this a DAILY PRACTICE
Just Do It
Is there ever a time that you have no idea what to do? bored? i just don’t get bored, I thought. I just retired from a well loved job and it left me without a purpose .. my days became days without a deadline. I had time and lots of it. Not being able to get out to even go to a job, staying safe within my cocoon of a house protecting me from COVID and now all the wild fire smoke. Its been a week and i haven’t gotten a lot accomplished. I keep trying little things, i try and set a routine, what are the things i want to be good at?
FINALLY…. i just got out my paints and started working on a board that i have used as a pallet with all the great colors and just experimented, played with scratching , layering and flinging paint on the surface. I am not sure its done, but the journey improved my mood.
Mindset; If you treat a painting or drawing as an experiment you don’t ever have to claim it as done. Its just an experiment
My Book of Lists
ARTIST IN RESIDENCE.... my residence and loving it
My Book of Lists
OHH… life use to be so much simpler, when I had to go to work and I had a routine…. I have so much to do, no time to be board or have anxiety. Make your own list and keep it going. I have often referred to Dr. Wayne Dyer quote “ If you change the way you look at things, the way you look at things will change “
As you can see I am not “ confined to my home” I now proclaim myself and “ Artist in Residence” take care of you and consider yourself a carrier to keep others safe.